
over complicated

Water : the element that brings life

Maintainence :the element that brings water to my house

It all started with a call from Romeo 2 weeks ago
"wei justice paip kite kne kunci doh"
"abes cane nak mandi wei?"
"die xtutop abes la le pakai lagi"

So I returned to Shah Alam not knowing what to expect. It wasn't as bad as I expected, however. The water was still running, albeit slower than usual. But it was still "running", unlike someone elses house when their pipe got locked *ehem* *ehem*

It was entertaining for a couple of days, with all the screaming
"wei justice tutop air, aku nak isi cerek"
"wei tutop air, aku nak basoh tangan jap"
Well you see, the water was barely there so we couldn't turn on both taps at a time.

So, we decided we had enough of the "pipe sharing" so we Dewa made a call to the owner, expecting to find someone that we could blame. Her reaction,
"kepale bapak die, aku da bayar da"
That left us even more confused than before. So, we looked at both of the maintainence bills. Wait, there were 2? Yeah, and both of them were addressed to us.

So the next relevant step was to go see the owner to find out why we had 2 bills. We went to sek 10 and got lost on the way.
"mane jalan sari eh?"
"tataw, tu jalan teluk belanga, so mst la dekat2 sini gak"
"eh, ni jalan cekak musang, mane die ni..."
Then we found it, but we didn't find the house. After wandering around aimlessly for a while, we finally called the owner and asked for directions. We discussed it and it was decided that we would go to PKNS ourselves.

It was a rainy Wednesday morning. After class, we began our journey. We "hereted" a person "yang cukup bepengalaman ngan bab2 paip kene kunci ni". Lets just say for safety reasons, I won't mention her name. Haha.
"Die kat tingkat 5 doh"
So, with Dewa's instructions we went to PKNS in the hope of reclaiming the water that was rightfully ours. We arrived and went on the lift.
"Eh nape sampai tingkat 4 je, bia tol?"
"Tataw, agaknye maksod Dewa tingkat atas skali kot."
So we pressed level 4, and when the door opened, we tried to walk out confidently... to the rooftop. So, I called Dewa again,
"Wei bodo, PKNS manede tingkat 5, die sampai tingkat 4 jee"
"Klo camtu tingkat 4 laa"
"Tingkat 4 rooftop la bangang"
We asked for directions at the information counter, or in Meo's words "pusat pertanyaan". It was in level 2. We went to the maze called level 2, and wandered around until we realized that all offices looked exactly the same. So, we asked for directions. AGAIN.
"Hujung sekali, belah kiri"
I wanted to believe that helpful man but judging from what happened before, I was "redha" if there was no left turn at the end of the hall. Luckily there was, so Meo and I went into the office.

We gave the officer our 2+1 bills (one of them was with a receipt, ALSO having our address) and he was just as confused as we were. We were there for quite a while. He checked the bills, rechecked them and made some calls but in the end he was STILL just as confused as we were. Then he made a call, and said that he would unlock our pipe first and we would only have to pay after we knew which bill belonged to our house.

We returned home, hoping to find an unlocked pipe. Yeah, no more "pipe sharing". Well judging from the how the day had gone by, I think you can guess if our pipe has been unlocked.

"why am i not suprised?"

I would love to just blame this on somebody, but everyone we needed to deal with was really nice. So, I can just hope that this get settled soon. But hey, at least the water's still running, right?

2 reactions to this post:

Lyna said...

kesimpulannye,ak ponz confius gak

AishahReen Musa said...
