
so sick

I lie to myself, keep telling myself I'm ok

My pride keeps getting shattered
My main goal is out of reach now more than ever
My only regret will always remain a regret
Feel like I'm standing on layers of broken glass waiting to shatter
Everthing seems to be falling apart, even the rubble is collapsing on itself
My lies have tangled up so much that I'm finding it hard to distinguish what's real anymore
I'm just afraid that I've passed the point of no return, I hope not anyway

Forget it.
I'm ok.

"At least I still have you, or is that another lie I tell myself?"

2 reactions to this post:

mahpuzah said...

salam....ame,what's wrong? are you ok? i love you - WING KNIGHT.

(@_@) said...

got me.. ahahah