
go faster like a monkey that doesn't eat and withholds itself from all worldly desires

There are a lot of bad ways to start the fasting month, but having a common test at the beginning tops the list (especially if one of the tests wasn't really that common AIS *ehem**ehem*).

-testy, testy-

How was the test, you ask? Well according to my mother's words "Nyampah tol kat Ame, asal tanye pasal test je mesti cakap susa gile. Dira pon same jee (well what can I say, she learned from the best)". I couldn't have put it better in my own words.

Going to the bizzare (how Huril spells it anyway :P) is a really enriching experience. The food there is well, food but in this month even thrash can sometimes smell like rendang (haha nampak sangat da xbetol da aritu).

-theory of a faster-

It is assumed that almost all the food at the bizarre is delicious because they each smell like a peace of heaven. And that assumption will carry on right until you take the second bite as again, the first bite you take after a hard day of fasting (consisting of sleeping, going online and watching cartoons) will taste like it was not made by a human. The second bite you take, however will reveal the true taste and that... (I guess I'll stop there)


Broke fast with my sister twice already (haha ayat gile bodo). The second time around I brought two of my favouritest people in the world Meo and NisaA (Dewa was outstation haha). Having them all together at one table showed me something. You know the saying 3 out of 4 of your friends are crazy? Well then if that's true, I guess I'm the normal one. Or was it 1 out of 4. I guess it doesn't matter as being crazy nowadays is a good thing. Normal is boring. Me? I'm just bored.

-human limits-

Dewa has been jogging twice while fasting, which is amazing. I can't even walk up the faculty stairs without getting exhausted. His motivation? No exercise, no food. WOW...

The fasting month really brings out traits in people that you never thought existed before. The noisy become quiet, the active go into hibernation and people who looked busy before now look like they have nothing to do. But some things never change...

-sisters of a money lender-

Followed an AFTAS outing where I met Liyana's sisters (I don't remember their names...). It was just like any other AFTASy outing (not like I've been to much of those) but something one of her sisters asked her really made me think about the presence I bring upon other people.

"Camne ko boleh tahan ngan die?"

I don't think I wanna know the answer...

3 reactions to this post:

cik penguin said...

nak buka same2 lagi! :P

amylilgrl said...

couldnt agree more on the 1st para.
btol ke dewa jogging bln2 pose nih wei.pagi ke ptg?

Huril 'Ain said...

woi! bile masa aku eja bazar mcm tu!!!! fitnah di bulan puasa!!